
In farming, domestic chickens are kept in a specific agricultural environment and these chickens are used to produce food, yarn and sometimes also used for labor purpose. The sole intention to raise these chickens in farms is to earn profit. In order to breed well and fetched the required benefits these chickens need special care and living conditions.          

It has been observed that most farms are in poor conditions. Farm owners are interested in profit making instead of maintaining higher and quality health standards and food facilities. These farm animals depend upon human provided food and they are not also allowed to move freely. So the farm animals are helpless and have no choice to eat and move freely at their own will.   

The absences of health, food, shelter care results illness and sometimes death of animals. “Each year in U.S, approximately 9 billion animals are raised, but yet there is not a federal law that protects animals on farms”. Invalid source specified. But the good news is that there are some volunteer organizations, which are working for the protection of animals. With the efforts of these activists and organizations, many farm workers have been punished and order to pay the liability.

 There are few things that they must do, in fact they should respect it, first of all they have to avoid feeding these innocent animals, a corn, that is the number one of food that most of the farmers use to feed their animals to get bigger and fatter. Second they should treat them with the best way they can because no one wants to feed their children bad food or drink. Third they must put them in place where they can move freely and breath as well. Fourth they have to feed them clean food instead of feeding them corn, so they don’t lose the ability of moving or probably they die, Last they should take care of them, so they don’t die early, or they will get some disease that may let the other animals get sick and die.

Where they can move freely on the grass with full of healthy whether, which makes them more healthier.

ASPCA. (N/A йил N/A-N/A). Legal Protections for Farm Animals. Retrieved 2014 йил 20-March from
Sherman, E. (2014). Wisconsin Dairy Workers Charged with Animal Bruelty. AOLJobs , 1-1.
Silver, A. (2011). A Legal Assault on Animal Abuse Whistle Blowers? Time , 1-1

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