Annotated Bibliography

Stephanie Cruz
Cecilia Rojas
Abdulrahman Alsulami
English 113B
May 9, 2014
Annotated Bibliography  
"Animals in Print." The On-line Newsletters. Mary T. And Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation, 26 Feb. 2013. Web. 4 May 2014.                                                                                 
           Schippers artificial insemination is a process that does the work for a male pig. Artificial insemination is a tube infested with semen which is inserted into the female pig’s behind, this is done without any pain killers. The process makes the reproductive system more effective and rapid way to procreate piglets. By doing such pigs create more pig-meat and more bacon. Artificial insemination stays in the female pig and is passed on to her piglets and those piglets are consumed by people which mean that this artificial insemination ends up in the humans system. This might not be an issue yet, but perhaps it could cause a health issue in later years.
"Disturbing Facts on Factory Farming & Food Safety." Disturbing Facts on Factory Farming & Food Safety. Organic Consumers Association, n.d. Web. 01 May 2014.                 
            In this website, you can be able to find ways to become an organic consumer. This campaign focuses on health, justice, and sustainability. Not only does this website informs us on taking steps to become an organic consumer, but links us to different sources of involvement of organizations and businesses with similar interest. There is a section in the website that gives us information, facts, data on Factory Farming and Food Safety. One can find more information to relating issues for example; Animal Welfare, Economics, Antibiotics and the Public Health and etc.
"E6 Cattle Co." Http:// Undercover Investigations: Exposing Animal Abuse, 2011. Web. 01 May 2014.                                                                   
           This is video created by an organization called Mercy for animals. One task of theirs is to go undercover and reveal what happens to farm animals behind closed doors. They have a variety of videos exposing the truth of different animals living in different factory farms across the United States. In this particular video an agent went undercover for about 2 week in E6 Cattle Co. in Hart, Texas. Hidden cameras revealed beaten calves, workers hammering and pickaxes calves skills, drown calves head, budding horns without painkillers and etc. There undercover agents continue to reveal the truth of discreet factory farm owners. This coincides well with my research, focusing on dairy cows and the treatment many are not fully aware of.
"Factory Farming." Dairy Cows on a Factory Farm. MSPCA Angell, n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.                      
           This Website focuses on resources the kindness and care for animals through their programs and resources they spread awareness of situations going on. For example, they have information on cruelty prevention animal, animal protection and legislation and so on. Focusing on Animal protection and legislation tab, they have more information of Animal Welfare. One of their sections is about Factory Farming and that it what I focused on. In this section they give a summary of the life of a dairy baby calf to the dairy cow on the farm and finally the last days when it is killed in a slaughterhouse. It also gives you a portion of statistics and ways to help these dairy cows in need. This ties well into my blog because I go into debt with the lives of dairy cows in a Factory Farm.
"Factory Farming and the Environment." Farm Sanctuary. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2014.                
            In this websites, you can find different information on factory farming. This website provides us with information of factory farms associating with chickens, pigs, cows’ wool, and goats and so on. They also prove us with information of factory farming affecting the environment human health and rural communities. If anyone is interesting for more information regarding factory farming, this website would be useful and informative.
"Factory Farm Map." Factory Farm Map. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2014.                                                       
            This website focuses on factory farms. It indicated the level of factory farms found all across the nation raising different farm animals for example; cattle, dairy cows ,hogs, broilers, and layers. This website also provides us with charts and graphs. This websites also provides us with facts on factory farming within the United States.

"Farm Sanctuary." Farm Sanctuary. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.                                                
           Farm Sanctuary focuses on education, rescue, and advocacy on ongoing issues with factory farms and inhumane treatment of animals. If you have an interest in learning more about the mistreatment of factory farms, this website will work into your advantage.  This website not only focuses on cows, but chickens, pigs, turkeys, sheep’s, and goats. They have a wide variety of information of these animals living in factory farms. We will discover statistics of the use of cows in factory farms. In 2008 there was an approximately 9.3 million cows used for milk production and in 2010 34.2 million cattle slaughtered in the United States. If you have greater interest learning about inhumane treatments, this website would be helpful.   

Karain, Reed. “Virus Kills Millions of American Pigs, Pushing up Pork Prices.” National Geographic: Daily News 1 May 2014. Web. 4 May 2014.                                                 
            An article published by national geographic: daily news published information about a virus that has killed about 7 million American pigs. This virus is caused through the manure pigs release on a daily bases. As the virus continues to spread through the hog herd, our population of pigs will continue to decrease. As a result of this deprivation our pork meat be more expensive in the market and this will affect the consumer’s pocket. The only reasonable solution to stop the virus will be to stop cramming pigs in containments and let them run around in the open field like a happy pig should live.
“Legal Protections for Farm Animals.”  ASPCA. 20 March 2014.                                                   
             Animal protection is always a concern and important. This website gives useful information on the fact.  It is observed that animals especially the poultry are not much protected under the government and state laws when they are at farms even in the US. However the laws are formulated and implemented which provide protection to the poultry animals when they are transferred from one place to another as well as during slaughtering. I believe ASPCA provides insight to the animal’s protection laws and regulations, and their importance. It is useful for writing my paper as the guideline.

“Pigs: Animal Welfare Institute.” Web log post. AWI, n.d. Web. Mar. 2014.                                   
           The Animal Welfare Institute points out the issue of pigs being kept inside barren and cages of limited space.  Also the difference in male pigs and pregnant sows they are separated because male pigs are over grown for slaughter and sows are confining to bear piglets and increase the mass production of corporations. Furthermore, the sows do not have the ability to roam around or have physical interactions with their piglets and if they do it is limited. This is living proof that farmers don’t have any consideration for pregnant sows nor these piglets.

“Pig Cruelty: Undercover at Smithfield Foods (graphic images)”. Perf. The Humane Society of the United States. N. d. Youtube.                                                                                      
            The documented filmed by The Humane Society of the United States demonstrates pig mistreatment and cruelty performed in factory farms. The documentation reveals an insight of the conditions have these pigs bleeding, chewing the metal, and wounded. Smithfield food is the owner of these factories and Smithfield is also the greatest branch that produces the most meat.  This documentation helps reveal the circumstances pigs and other farm animals are in a daily bases and brings concern to the consumer who watch’s this unpleasant documentation.

“Pigs on Factory Farms.” Web log post- ASPCA, n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.                                  
           The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) research of pigs in factory farms points out the danger and injustice towards pigs. ASPCA gives the “quick facts” about the purpose of pigs, “both male and female pigs are raised for food”, “ pigs can live up to 15 years, but most of those raised on factory farms are slaughtered at just six months,” “pigs are very intelligent-as smart as or smarter than most dogs!” regardless of their intelligence pigs are still expose to slaughtered and cruelty. Mother pigs (sows) are to reproduce pigs for several years and when they are too old they are slaughtered and their piglets are removed from their side. Pig’s tails are cut off without painkillers.

Rice, Matt. "Mercy for Animals." One Green Planet (2014): 1-1.          
           Mr. Rice Matt was the investigation team head when they researched and found the causes for renowned Burger King Brutality with animals. He worked to make realize the people that animals are also living beings so they deserve mercy. It is inhumane to treat animals in a harsh and unkind ways. They researched on various dairies and found that there were actually a great number of such dairies which had not treating the animals in a just way. Factory farming industry is the basic element in it. Additionally, they use fair and unfair means to hide their illegal and unfair behaviors with the animals and try their best to hide it all from the public access. It helped me to understand a scenario of unjust and cruelty with the animals.

Sherman, Erik. "Wisconsin Dairy Workers Charged with Animal Bruelty." AOL Jobs (2014): 1-1. Mar. 2014.            
            It is useful information to show the inappropriate behavior with the animals. Mercy for Animal rerecords a video in last December. In the video, we can see that the Wiese Brothers Farm is the biggest farm in the state. There were cows being mistreated. We can see that an alive cow was dragging by a tractor badly and men were kicking whipping and injuring them.
           According to professor of Colorado State University,   this action is called "severe animal abuse". Consequently the second largest farm Nestlé's and foremost farm cutie with the Wiese due to this mistreatment. Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation said these treatments with animals are disgusting there is no place for such behavior at farm. It is very true that the employees at the farms should require learning Creature Treatment rule to supervise the care of an animal and take care when a cow falls. It is important especially when the cow can’t stand up again.

Silver, Alexandra. "A Legal Assault on Animal Abuse Whistle Blowers?" Time (2011): 1-1. Mar. 2014.      
           We had seen two different laws for that person who showed cruelty to animals.  In 2009, Phil Nile trapped when he was hitting a cow on the head and the Group Mercy for animals informed about him. He was punished for $555 and not permitted to deal in animal for a year. On the other side, Agriculture committee passed a new bill. It said that if a person who would strike a cow on the head will be punished, but who record violation of animal in any way could be punished to pay 1000$.(If anyone want to capture video, audio recording without the permission of the owner it will be illegal.)
            Despite the clause of that bill, ban on cameras will not ensure about the food safety. Secret videos in some places were also exposed the unhygienic condition of agriculture. I believe it helped me to know more about my topic of the paper. I analyzed the facts in an effective way.                                

Szabo, Liz. “Community-spread MRSA Infections Related to Pig Manure.” USA Today, 16 Sept. 2013. Web. 4 May 2014.                                                                                                        
            Recent studies have examined that pig manure affects and infects humans near and away from farms. Pig manure is releasing bacteria called methicillin-resistant staphylococcus auseus, also known as MRSA. According to the study “more Americans were infected with MRSA in the community than in the hospital…” factory farms are the major causes of these bacteria because farmers dispose pig’s waste in American water and the water runs off to our rivers and contaminates our drinking water. The bacteria do not only affect the pig, or humans but the environment as well.                                                                                                                                                                                         

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