
What we assume vs What really happens
The photo above is a picture of two cows. On average, many dairy or meat consumers think that our meat and milk comes from cows that are treated well and are in a well fed diet to produce the amount of meat and milk they do. But the majority of our cows are now being raised in the unfair treatment of factory farms. What is said to be a "standard" beef slaughter is 250 cattle an hour!(MSPCA, 1) That is a high speed of cattle being slaughtered every day. If you could like to learn more about these unjust cows treatment, please feel free and continue reading. Thank you. Rojas
"Factory Farming." Beef Cattle on a Factory Farm. MSPCA Angell, n.d. Web. 01 May 2014.

A typical day for a dairy cow in a Factory Farm

In these photos, you could see how a dairy cow living in a factory farm is treated. From the first day they are born to about 3-4 years after instance milk production; these dairy farms are slaughtered and made into grown beef. Dairy cows are selective bred and are injected with hormones to produce the quantity of milk a dairy farm produces daily. These cows are also go through a process with genetic Manipulation having to produce a calf every year and having to produce milk while their 9-month pregnancy. Dairy cows are fed high energy feeds to produce the large amount of milk they produce. Rojas    
 ("Factory Farming." Dairy Cows on a Factory Farm. MSPCA Angell, n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.) 

Cattle used for Meat !

According to the Farms Sanctuary in the year 2010, there was an estimate of 34.2 million cattle used for beef in the United States. These cattle endure hardships of being mistreated from owners, not having a proper diet, being taken from their mother in their first months of life, and endure painful procedures without any pain killers.  Meat cows are castrated, branded, and endure a long journey in a feedlot until they are ready for “market” and slaughtered.  In the two photos I chose, shows a glimpse of cattle in the meat industry being raised in factory farms. Rojas
"Farm Sanctuary." Farm Sanctuary. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.

Lastly, Veal Cows 

Veal cows are a result of unwanted male cows in the dairy industry. Unlike dairy and meat cows, cows used for veal live in a wooden box. These boxes are exactly measured 6feet long and 2 feet feed wide. They are limited in their space and are unable to sit or lay down for nearly 18-20 weeks. These cows are fed an all liquid substance and their bones are underdeveloped. Unfortunately these cows do not have a long life span and if so, some are slaughtered just a few days old for low grade veal frozen meals. Because these cows live in wooden box for quite some time they begin to develop social and physical effects. The photo shown above demonstrates the wooden box veal cows live in. Rojas
"Factory Farming." Veal Calves on a Factory Farm. MSPCA Angell, n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014.
In this film shows above revels the truth of the inhumane treatment of owners and employees in E6 Cattle Co. in Hart Texas. E6 Cattle Co is confined to approximately 10,000 calves who are subjected to be raised for dairy farms. An agent from Mercy for Animals went undercover for 2 weeks and took footage of the treatment and conditions these employees were putting cattle through. These cattle endured neglecting, misery, and different types of physical abuse. You can also check this website out to learn more about other inhumane treatment of different types of farm animals living in different farms all across the nation. Rojas.
"E6 Cattle Co." Http:// Undercover Investigations: Exposing Animal Abuse, 2011. Web. 01 May 2014.
In the photo shown above is a photo of map focusing on cattle factory farms all across the nation in 2007. The darker the color, the more concentrated cattle will be found.  According to this website, the number of cows on factory-farm has nearly doubled to 4.9 million between 1997 and 2007. These factory-farm dairies nearly add 650 cows every day.I provided the link at the bottom of the image, if anyone is interested in finding more information about factory farms.
"Factory Farm Map." Factory Farm Map. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2014.

Effects of Factory Farming to Environment
With 34.2 million cattle being slaughtered every year that alone creates a slagging amount of manure every year. According to farm sanctuary with the vast amount of animals raised on factory farms, the animals produce roughly one million tons of manure per day. That amount of manure contributes to the high rates of greenhouse gasses being released into our atmosphere, pollution of our land, air, and water all across our country. Rojas
"Factory Farming and the Environment." Farm Sanctuary. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2014.


"According to the Environmental Protection Agency, hog, chicken, and cattle waste has polluted 35,000 miles of rivers in 22 states and contaminated groundwater in 17 states” In the Image shown above indicates the amount of pollution causes by Factory Farms. Rojas
"Disturbing Facts on Factory Farming & Food Safety." Disturbing Facts on Factory Farming & Food Safety. Organic Consumers Association, n.d. Web. 01 May 2014 

This pictures talks for itself. the pictures points out the amount of animal product we are consuming and relating it to an Animal Holocaust. Rojas
"Meat Statistics - How Much People Eat." Meat Statistics - How Much People Eat. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2014.

E Coli
In the photo above, is a picture of E coli. E coli harms the cow and later harms the consumer. Rojas 
CNN. "E. Coli Outbreaks Fast Facts." CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 01 May 2014.

Blogger: Cecilia Rojas

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